Instead of relying on prescription medications with numerous dangerous side effects, what if you could opt for a safer, natural alternative to address your health concerns?
And instead of using common household cleaners and personal care products that contain toxic ingredients, what if you had access to superior alternatives that could achieve the same—or even better—results without the risk of damaging your body?
In the quest to help people around the world achieve health and vibrant living, health experts and bestselling authors Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin, and Ty Bollinger have joined forces to share this important message: Essential oils are one of the
most powerful forms of plant-based medicine in the world, and they may be the crucial missing piece of your wellness program.
» Reduce toxicity
» Balance hormones
» Improve digestion
» Boost energy
» Alleviate aches and pains
» Improve brain function
» Reduce emotional stress
» Promote radiant skin
» Boost immunity and fight infections
» And much, much more!
Essential oils can serve many different functions in your life—from fostering relaxation and caring for minor cuts and scrapes to helping fight disease and promoting healing. In fact, essential oils have been proven to: Join Dr. Josh, Jordan, and Ty as they show you the proven health benefits of the top
50 essential oils, how to use these oils to help heal more than 125 of today’s most pressing health concerns, and over 70 quick, easy DIY recipes to help you care for your body, your family, your home and even your pets!